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Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Continuing the series of Digital DIYs - some of the ways in which we personalized the wedding was sharing our thoughts in our program booklet, and framing our stories as a couple.

Program Booklet

Not talented enough to do such illustrations, so I purchased a customized wedding couple illustration on Etsy through this seller: The groom really looks like Janan, but I feel like the girl looks rather generic haha. Added in the heading and floral border myself.

I really loved the idea of a timeline with cute icons by the side, so I did this using clipart from Google images. I put together the floral/leafy borders using elements from the same digital collection I mentioned in my previous post. Quite happy with how the pages turned out ^^

Janan and I chose to share more about why we chose the songs we did (the order is my note > chosen song, Janan's note > Janan's song). "Before the Throne of God" has been one of my favourites in recent years, because in my times of struggling to be close to God again, it always reminds me deeply of both my own humility, and God's love. A quote by Timothy Keller explains this essence of Christianity, "The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope."

Table Stories

I didn't really know what to call these, so ended up calling them Table Stories. Basically each table would have a frame with a cute picture & caption on the front, and a story/memory about us as a couple on the back. Most of the cliparts were from Google images too. We bought these frames from IKEA, and my friends helped to spraypaint it rose gold (although it looks more like gold here/brass in real life). I did up the designs, while Janan came up with most of the captions. My photographer was diligent in taking a photo of every frame's front and back, so I'm glad the effort spent making this wasn't wasted!

I love thinking of ways to making something personal, and will have a post with some ideas on how to do that for your own wedding once I'm done with this DIY series!

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